Sharon J. Bolton: Book Format: Hardcover: Original Title: Awakening: Number Of Pages: pages: First Published in: February 21st Latest Edition: September 14th Language: English: Awards: Barry Award Nominee for Best British Crime Novel (), Mary Higgins Clark Award () Generes. Awakening is a disturbing tale of dark secrets that will have readers unable to stop for a breath until they reach the stunning climax of this extraordinary read from acclaimed author S. J. Bolton/5(). In a way, S. J. Bolton's second published novel AWAKENING is a coming-of-age story. The protag and narrator of the tale is a reclusive wildlife veterinarian, Clara Benning, unmarried daughter of an archdeacon. She practices in a remote British village and prefers her mute swans and baby owl chicks to /5.
Title: Awakening: A terrifying, heart-racing, up-all-night thriller from Richard Judy bestseller Sharon Bolton. Author (s): S J Bolton. ISBN: / (UK edition) Publisher: Corgi Adult. Availability: Amazon Amazon UK Amazon CA Amazon AU. Awakening is another good suspense offering by S.J. Bolton. The protagonist, Clara Benning, is a vet who has severe facial scarring and who prefers the company of animals to people. When people in her village start being bitten by poisonous snakes, she becomes involved by virtue of her experience as a vet, and things snowball from there. Awakening (Paperback) Published January 21st by Corgi. Paperback, pages. Author (s): Sharon J. Bolton (Goodreads Author) ISBN: (ISBN ) Edition language: English.
Best book of the last 4 dozen I've read. Something about the way Bolton writes Her main characters are intelligent gutsy empowered women who are really sympathetic. Although in some ways the plot is a bit formulaic (as most mystery thrillers typically are), Bolton delivers new twists and turns, but more so, her delivery is fresh and original. Sharon J. Bolton: Book Format: Hardcover: Original Title: Awakening: Number Of Pages: pages: First Published in: February 21st Latest Edition: September 14th Language: English: Awards: Barry Award Nominee for Best British Crime Novel (), Mary Higgins Clark Award () Generes. Awakening is as much about animals, especially snakes, at it is about people and the author was very concerned, when writing, that the snakes should not be demonized. To what extent did she succeed? Sharon’s editor has a snake phobia and says that working on Awakening has helped her come to terms with her fear.