7 rows · · You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down: Stories. You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down.: Alice 4/5(3). You can't keep a good woman down: stories. Nineteen Fifty-five -- How did I get away with killing one of the biggest lawyers in the state? It was easy. -- Elethia -- The lover -- Petunias -- Coming apart -- Fame -- The abortion -- Porn -- Advancing Luna-and Ida B. Wells -- Laurel -- A letter of the times, or should this sado-masochism be saved -- A sudden trip home in the spring -- bltadwin.ru Interaction Count: THE SHORT STORY IN PROCESS by Barbara Christian Walker, Alice. You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down. New York: Harcourt Janovich, $ Alice Walker's You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down is her second collection of short stories. A major contemporary black woman writer, Walker has published two novels, three collections of.
Editions for You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down: Stories: X (Paperback published in ), (Kindle Edition published in ), (Paperba. You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down: Stories. You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down.: Alice Walker. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, - Fiction - pages. 2 Reviews. A natural evolution from the earlier, much-acclaimed collection In Love Trouble, these fourteen provocative and often humorous stories show women oppressed but not defeated. YOU CAN'T KEEP A GOOD WOMAN DOWN By Alice Walker. These qualities give edge and sparkle to the more conventional stories, the ones in which Miss Walker has imagined herself into one version or other of the spunky, tough, irrepressible "good woman" of the title. I was not surprised, perhaps, but I was charmed by "Nineteen Fifty-Five," in.
I bought this book for myself for my birthday on my birthday. I'm teaching an Alice Walker essay in my classes right now and I love her stuff. You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down is a collection of short stories that are foremost about womanhood, like dealing with guys and friends and family. Alice Walker (b. ), one of the United States’ preeminent writers, is an award-winning author of novels, stories, essays, and poetry. In , Walker became the first African-American woman to win a Pulitzer Prize for fiction with her novel The Color Purple, which also won the National Book Award. THE SHORT STORY IN PROCESS by Barbara Christian Walker, Alice. You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down. New York: Harcourt Janovich, $ Alice Walker's You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down is her second collection of short stories. A major contemporary black woman writer, Walker has published two novels, three collections of.