Shere Hite has 28 books on Goodreads with ratings. Shere Hite’s most popular book is The Hite Report. · The Hite Report on the Family: Growing Up Under Patriarchy. In this major study, groundbreaking researcher Shere Hite challenges established views on the family, arguing that it is not collapsing--as advocates of traditional "family values" would have us believe--but instead shifting from a rigid, patriarchial formula to increasingly /5(1). Shere Hite was born in Saint Joseph, Missouri on November 2, She was an American-born German sex educator, researcher, and a feminist. She was a graduate of the University of Florida with a master's degree in history.
Writer Shere Hite, author of "Hite Report" and new book "Women and Love." Bettye Lane Photographs. Hollis ID: Author, sex educator, and feminist, Shere Hite is known for her groundbreaking research on female sexuality. From to , she directed the feminist sexuality project for the National Organization for Women, New York. Shere Hite (), author of Hite Reports on female sexuality. Shere Hite was a sex educator and feminist who issued the groundbreaking Hite Reports that explored human sexuality and. The Hite report on male sexuality Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. Share to Twitter. Share to Facebook. Share to Reddit. The Hite report on male sexuality by Hite, Shere. Publication date Topics Men, Sexual intercourse, Male orgasm, Sex (Psychology) Publisher New York: Knopf: Distributed by Random House.
The Hite Report is without a doubt the most important book on the subject of female sexuality since the publication of the Masters and Johnson findings. It presents the results of a five-year study done by Hite in conjunction the National Organization for Women, New York. The work contains. The Hite Report on Female Sexuality challenged the sexual status quo and defied male dominance. It became a worldwide publishing sensation, and turned its author into a hate figure among some men. Read More. If you want to learn more about men in general and in particular cases, "The Hite Report on Male Sexuality" Shere Hite is an excellent resource and place to start. Many times women stereotype men or make claims against them without doing the research (reading and listening to their man and men in general).