Pro-Life Feminism: Different Voices by Sweet, Gail-Grenier May have limited writing in cover pages. Pages are unmarked. ~ ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend LessSeller Rating: % positive. Gail Grenier has written for magazines and newspapers since Pro-Life Feminism: Different Voices is a compilation of articles, stories and poems Gail gathered over the years after she became a convert from pro-choice to pro-life. She lives with her husband, Michael Sweet, on ten acres in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin/5(8). Abortion is inconsistent with feminism, notwithstanding that the feminist movement and the pro-life movement are popularly seen as opposite and reconcilable. A new movement of pro-life feminists argue that to be feminist is to be pro-life. Feminism argues, among other things, that abortion is an act of desperation, which can never be an act of true choice.
Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments Pro-Life Feminism: Different Voices by Gail Grenier Sweet Pro-Life Feminism Yesterday and Today by Mary Krane Derr (Editor), Linda Naranjo-Huebl (Contributor), Rachel MacNair - Discusses why the pro-life view and feminism go hand in hand. Luker discusses the social-class differences between pro-choice and pro-life activists in Abortion, The argument that abortion is a class issue was first advanced by Skerry, Peter in " The Class Conflict over Abortion, " The Public Interest 53 (Summer ): 69 - 84 Google Scholar. Gail Grenier Sweet. Hi! My name is Gail Grenier Sweet, and I'm glad to be here. Since , I've lived in the City of Milwaukee with my husband, Michael Sweet, after 34 years living on 10 acres in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. My secret name is Marsha Woods (for my two favorite places on earth), my great loves are my family members, my passions.
Pro-Life Feminism: Different Voices edited by Gail Grenier-Sweet (, ISBN ) Swimming Against the Tide: Feminist Dissent on the Issue of Abortion edited by Angela Kennedy (, ISBN ). PRO-LIFE FEMINISM: DIFFERENT VOICES By Gail-grenier Sweet *Excellent Condition*. Gail Grenier Sweet. Hi! My name is Gail Grenier Sweet, and I'm glad to be here. Since , I've lived in the City of Milwaukee with my husband, Michael Sweet, after 34 years living on 10 acres in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. My secret name is Marsha Woods (for my two favorite places on earth), my great loves are my family members, my passions.