The novel Iphigenia by Teresa de la Parra (Venezuela, ; real name, Ana Teresa Parra Sanojo), popular with readers since its first appearance, scandalous in its day, has increasingly won the respect and attention of literary critics. Its author was a well-read, socially prominent young woman whose wit, winning presence, elegance, and above all her powers of verbal expression had placed her in Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins. This paper analyzes the presence of autobiographical traits from Teresa de la Parra () in the book Iphigenia. Diary of a young lady. who wrote because she was annoyed(), as one of the. Download Teresa De La Parra books, This book is the first comprehensive study of Teresa de la Parra for English-speaking readers. The volume includes a biographical chapter and analyses of de la Parra’s two novels, Iphigenia: the diary of a young lady who wrote .
Iphigenia. by Teresa de la Parra Novel. View the book cover → 'Yes, I, María Eugenia Alonso, am going to write a diary.' Teresa de la Parra's young, wilful protagonist begins to record her opinions, meditations, and life experiences out of sheer boredom. vocación del lugar de nacimiento: Teresa de la Parra nació en París de padres venezolanos. La tensión entre Venezuela y Francia, entre Caracas y París, sería una constante en la vida de la escritora, y figura como tema importante en su primera novela, Ifigenia, de Lo segundo que llama la atención es. Ifigenia (novela de ) de Teresa de la Parra. Género. Novela. País. Venezuela. [ editar datos en Wikidata] Ifigenia, diario de una señorita que escribió porque se fastidiaba, es una novela de la escritora venezolana Teresa de la Parra editada en
Download Teresa De La Parra books, This book is the first comprehensive study of Teresa de la Parra for English-speaking readers. The volume includes a biographical chapter and analyses of de la Parra’s two novels, Iphigenia: the diary of a young lady who wrote because she was bored and Mama Blanca’s Memoirs. Iphigenia. De la Parra's novel Iphigenia: Diary of a young lady who wrote because she was bored, published in , marked a change in Venezuelan literature. Teresa de la Parra wrote most of the novel in 19during the dictatorship of Juan Vicente Gómez. Some of the characters in the novel were maliciously close to caricatures of. Keywords: Teresa de la Parra, Iphigenia, woman, writing. Resumo Este ensaio analisa a presença de rasgos autobiográficos de Teresa de la Parra () em sua obra Ifigênia. O diário duma senhorita que escreveu por que ela se incomodava (), um dos poucos casos duma mulher escritora latino-americana nos anos vinte.