Download File PDF A Return To Modesty Discovering The Lost Virtue Wendy Shalit A Return To Modesty Discovering The Lost Virtue Wendy Shalit A Return to ModestyDiscovering the Lost VirtueFree Press This surprise bestseller from Canada traces the groups and individuals who are part of a timeless phenomenon that transcends culture and religion. A Return To Modesty: Discovering the Lost Virtue by Wendy Shalit is a fascinating and provocative exploration of the flip side of the sexual revolution, a world in which young women are forced to feel shame for their sexual inexperience and romantic longings. Shalit is a fresh new voice who courageously challenges many of the basic assumptions of modern American society and the relations Book Edition: Anniversary Edition. Wendy Shalit launched a worldwide discussion about the possibility of innocence and romantic idealism. Today, a young girl is pressured to When A Return to Modesty was first published in , its young author surprised many with her invitation to consider the new power to be found in an old ideal.
Wendy Shalit's matter-of-fact cultural essay makes the shocking proposal that modesty might not be such a bad thing after all. Humorously written and insightful, Shalit makes a plethora of sharp observations vis-à-vis modern liberal America. I will be shining. "A Return to Modesty: Discovering the Lost Virtue". Buy a cheap copy of A Return to Modesty: Discovering the book by Wendy Shalit. The year-old author first heard of modestyniks--Orthodox Jewish women who withhold physical contact from men until marriage--while a freshman at Williams Free shipping over $ Updated with a new introduction, this fifteenth anniversary edition of A Return to Modesty reignites Wendy Shalit's controversial claim that we have lost our respect for an essential virtue: A Return to Modesty was first published in , its argument launched a worldwide discussion about the possibility of innocence and romantic idealism.
Shalit. Another book I really enjoyed was A RETURN TO MODESTY: Discovering the Lost Virtue by Wendy Shalit. Published in , I found her insight prescient and a refreshing counterweight to bombardment of exposed flesh that seemed to have reached a crescendo in the summer of "A Return to Modesty: Discovering the Lost Virtue" by Wendy Shalit, is a bombshell. Despite its modest title, this book is a bombshell. In a manner both courageous and passionate, Wendy Shalit challenges the bored, desensitized masses of American women to use their female intuition in finding a way out of the emotional wilderness created by the sexual revolution. “Wendy Shalit’s first book, A Return to Modesty created a storm when it was published [fifteen] years ago As a veteran of pro-sex feminism who still endorses pornography and prostitution, I say more power to all these chaste young women who are defending their individuality and defying groupthink and social convention.