Women in the Days of the Cathedrals. by. Régine Pernoud. · Rating details · ratings · 20 reviews. Regine Pernoud has addressed herself to the study of many questions about the status of women in the Middle Ages and presents her surprising answers in this captivating work. Here one learns that the most ancient treatise on education in France was written by a woman; and medicine was 4/5. · Women In The Days Of The Cathedrals. Regine Pernoud; translated by Anne Cote-Harriss. Published by Ignatius Press, ISBN ISBN Women in the Days of Cathedrals Paperback – April 1 by Regine Pernoud (Author), Pernoud Regine (Author), Anne Cote-Harriss (Author) 0 more out of 5 stars 7 ratings/5(7).
Women in the days of cathedrals by Pernoud, Régine, Publication date Topics Women -- France -- History -- Middle Ages, , Social history -- Medieval, , Social history -- Medieval, Women -- Middle Ages, France Conclusion: from medieval women to women of our own day. Régine Pernoud, a renowned French archivist and historian, is among the greatest medievalists of recent times, and the success of her books has helped to bring the Middle Ages closer to modern bltadwin.ru her numerous works are Those Terrible Middle Ages!, Martin of Tours, and Women in the Days of the Cathedrals. So in her book Women in the Days of Cathedrals (title of the English translation), the historian Régine Pernoud attempts to shed light on the lives of women in France from the 4th century till the 14th century. A period during which Pernoud asserts that women's l. Throughout history, it's most unfortunate that the lives of and stories of many.
Editions for Women in the Days of the Cathedrals: (Paperback published in ), (Mass Market Paperback published in ), Home My Books. In "Women in the days of the cathedrals," Pernoud's chapter, "Love, the invention of the twelfth century " speaks for her book. Here, she shows how love and courtesy coexisted, intermingling, growing together; and her following chapter, Fontevrault, describes the origins of, and conduct in, an abbey in which women and men were governed by an abbess who was required to be a formerly married woman. Cathedral: The Story of Its Women in the Days of the Cathedrals by Régine Pernoud. Architecture: Chartres Cathedral, Chartres, France.